Throwing your cares to the wind and setting off on a long journey with only a backpack to your name can be a liberating experience, but your exhilaration may come to an abrupt end if you find you've forgotten something important at an inopportune time. A long backpacking trip can be the adventure of a lifetime, but in order to pull it off successfully you will need to plan and pack in advance.
The first order of business is to make sure you have the right backpack. The little accessory you used to lug back and forth to school is probably not going to cut it. Invest in a travelling backpack, made of heavy-duty, water-proof material. Make sure that it has shoulder and chest straps, and plenty of room for all your belongings. You should never skimp in this area, as the security of your most important belongings will depend on the quality of your backpack.

Once you have the right backpack, start planning what you need to pack. Don't leave it to the last minute, but start making a list a week or even a month in advance. Try to think of everything you use on a daily basis, starting with items related to personal hygiene. If you use glasses or contact lenses, or take any form of medication, this will naturally be included in your list. Keep the list in a visible place, and add items as they occur to you from day to day. The more time you give yourself to plan what you want to pack, the less chance there is of forgetting anything.
Think of items that you will need specifically for travelling. A passport or any other travelling documents will fall under this heading, as well as emergency contact numbers and different guidebooks or phrasebooks related to the areas you will be visiting. Will you be travelling to a country where the people use a different currency? You will need to find out if debit and credit cards will work at local ATMs, or else change your currency in advance.
When it comes to packing your clothes, try and keep in mind every eventuality. Is there a chance you will be walking through the rain at some point? Will it snow? Is the area you will be travelling through hot or cold? No matter your destination, you will likely need a waterproof jacket, a hat and some sturdy, reliable shoes. If you visualise your trip in advance, and prepare for every eventuality, you will likely find that you've packed everything you need to make your journey a success.
Guest Post by Jack Michael
"Jack has been travelling around the world for 6 years. He loves to share his experiences with the world; follow his blog Challenge Guy to keep up to date with what he's up to. "
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