Siung Beach in Gunung Kidul Area

The beach which is located in a remote area in Gunung Kidul Regency, South of Tepus Subdistrict. The distance is around 70 km from the city center or around two hours using a four-wheel drive.
However, the distances will be lost when the terrace you find beautiful blue Beach flanked by steep cliffs of coral there. A big rock you can explore when the sea tide. If not, undo your intention because the massive South Coast waves large and dangerous.
Siung Beach in Gunung Kidul Area
Siung Beach in Gunung Kidul Area
Siung Beach in Gunung Kidul Area
Siung Beach in Gunung Kidul Area
Siung Beach in Gunung Kidul Area
Siung Beach in Gunung Kidul Area
Siung Beach
climbing area Siung Beach
Cliffs here also can be used as a climbing area for hobby. Hundreds of climbing routes available.
Parking facilities and a restaurant are also available on the beach. The eastern side you will also find a range of fishing boats is being rested. Yes, there is also a fishing village on the coast of cloves. If you are lucky, you will find the activity of mothers speak of seaweed around the coast. The seaweed is not for food, but industrial production of plastic materials.


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